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Map collection

3 minute read

A Map cares about unique identifiers. You map a unique key (the ID) to a specific value. You’re probably quite familiar with Maps since many languages suppor...

Set, Sorted Set, HashSet, TreeSet

3 minute read

Now let us say that we want to create a list that holds unique objects so what should we do? Should we use the normal list (ArrayList or LinkedList) to keep ...

List, ArrayList, LinkedList

7 minute read

A List extends Collection interface but it also cares about the index. The one thing that List has that non-lists don’t have is a set of methods related to t...


3 minute read

When we are having a collection of objects we needed a mechanism to traverse through it. But no two implementations are going to be the same when we are impl...

Collection framework

4 minute read

A collection allows a group of objects to be treated as a single unit. Arbitrary objects can be stored, retrieved, and manipulated as elements of collections.